Title: | Determining Effective Sample Size |
Description: | Determines effective sample size of a parametric prior distribution in Bayesian models. For a web-based Shiny application related to this package, see <https://implement.shinyapps.io/bayesess/>. |
Authors: | Jaejoon Song, Satoshi Morita, J. Jack Lee |
Maintainer: | Jaejoon Song <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.1.19 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 04:03:22 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/github-js/bayesess |
Determines effective sample size of a parametric prior distribution in Bayesian conjugate models (beta-binomial, gamma-exponential, gamma-Poisson, dirichlet-multinomial, normal-normal, inverse-chi-squared-normal, inverse-gamma-normal), Bayesian linear and logistic regression models, Bayesian continual reassessment method (CRM), and Bayesian time to event model.
ess(model,label,prior,m,nsim,ncov,svec1,svec2, PI,betaSD,target, obswin,rate,accrual, shapeParam,scaleParam, fast=TRUE)
ess(model,label,prior,m,nsim,ncov,svec1,svec2, PI,betaSD,target, obswin,rate,accrual, shapeParam,scaleParam, fast=TRUE)
model |
Model specifications. Options are: 'betaBin' for beta-binomial model; 'gammaEx' for gamma-exponential model; 'gammaPois' for gamma-Poisson model; 'dirMult' for dirichlet-multinomial model; 'normNorm' for normal-normal model; 'invChisqNorm' for scaled-inverse-chi-squared-normal model; or 'invGammaNorm' for inverse-gamma-normal models. For non-conjugate models, options are: 'linreg' for linear regression model; and 'logistic' for logistic regression models. In addition, the continual reassessment method (CRM) can be specified as: model = 'crm', or as 'tite.crm' for the time-to-event CRM (TITE CRM). Finally, time to event models can be specified as model = 'surv' |
label |
Optional labeling for hyperparameters. Please see examples for sample usage. |
prior |
Prior distribution specification specified as a list. Options are 'beta', 'gamma', 'dirichlet', 'norm' (for normal prior), 'scaled-inverse-chisquared', and 'inverse-gamma'. |
m |
A positive integer specified as an maximum value in which ESS is searched. |
nsim |
Number of simulations for numerical approximation (specified only for model = 'linreg' or model = 'logistic'). |
ncov |
(Required for linear or logistic regression model) Number of covariates |
svec1 |
(Required for linear or logistic regression model) Specification of first subvector for calculating ESS |
svec2 |
(Required for linear or logistic regression model) Specification of second subvector for calculating ESS |
PI |
(Required for CRM) A vector of the true toxicity probabilites associated with the doses. |
betaSD |
(Required for CRM) Standard deviation of the normal prior of the model parameter. |
target |
(Required for CRM) The target dose limiting toxicity (DLT) rate. |
obswin |
(Further required for TITE (time-to-event) CRM) The observation window with respect to which the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is defined. Default is obswin=30. |
rate |
(Further required for TITE (time-to-event) CRM) Patient arrival rate: Expected number of arrivals per observation window. Example: obswin=6 and rate=3 means expecting 3 patients arrive in 6 time units. Default is rate=2. |
accrual |
(Further required for TITE (time-to-event) CRM) Patient accrual scheme. Default is accrual="poisson". Alternatively use accrual="fixed" whereby inter-patient arrival is fixed. |
shapeParam |
(Required for time to event model) Shape parameter of the inverse gamma prior |
scaleParam |
(Required for time to event model) Scale parameter of the inverse gamma prior |
fast |
Accelerate ESS computation for linear or logistic regression models with C++ code? Default is fast=TRUE. |
Returns ESS |
ESSsubvec1 |
(For linear or logistic regression model) ESS for the first sub-vector |
ESSsubvec2 |
(For linear or logistic regression model) ESS for the second sub-vector |
Jaejoon Song <[email protected]>, Satoshi Morita <[email protected]>, J. Jack Lee <[email protected]>
Morita, S., Thall, P. F., and Muller, P. (2008). Determining the effective sample size of a parametric prior. Biometrics, 64, 595-602.
Morita, S., Thall, P. F., and Muller, P. (2010). Evaluating the impact of prior assumptions in Bayesian biostatistics. Stat Biosci, 2, 1-17.
O'Quigley J., Pepe M., Fisher, L. (1990).Continual reassessment method: A practical design for phase I clinical trials in cancer. Biometrics, 46, 33-48.
Thall, P. F., Wooten, L. H., Tannir, N. M. (2005). Monitoring event times in early phase clinical trials: some practical issues. Clinical Trials, 2, 467-478.
library(BayesESS) # Calculating ESS for a beta-binomial model with # beta(1,2) prior ess(model='betaBin',prior=c('beta',1,2)) # Calculating ESS for a gamma-exponential model with # gamma(2,4) prior ess(model='gammaEx',prior=c('gamma',2,4)) # Calculating ESS for a gamma-Poisson model with # gamma(2,4) prior ess(model='gammaPois',prior=c('gamma',2,4)) # Calculating ESS for a dirichlet-multinomial model with # dirichlet(10,15,20) prior ess(model='dirMult',prior=c('dirichlet',10,15,20)) # Calculating ESS for a scaled-inverse-chi-squared-normal model # when mean is known and variance is unknown # with scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0=10,sigma^2_0=1) prior for variance # ESS for such model can be found analytically ess(model='invChisqNorm',prior=c(10,1)) # Calculating ESS for a normal-normal model # when mean is unknown and variance is known # with normal(mu_0=10,sigma^2=1,n_0=30) prior (i.e. known variance is sigma^2=1) # ESS for such model can be found analytically (ESS = n_0) ess(model='normNorm',prior=c('norm',10,1,30)) # Calculating ESS for a scaled-inverse-chi-squared-normal model # when mean and variance are both unknown # with scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0=10,sigma^2_0=1) prior for variance # and normal(mu_0=1,sigma^2/phi=sigma^2/30) prior for mean # Smaller nsim = 1000 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. ## Not run: ess(model='invChisqNorm',prior=c(10,1,1,30),m=20,nsim=1000) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a inverse-gamma-normal model # when mean is known and variance is unknown # with inverse-gamma(alpha=5,beta=5) prior # Note: the inverse-gamma(nu_0/2,nu_0*sigma^2_0/2) prior is # equivalent to scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0,sigma^2_0) # ESS for such model can be found analytically ess(model='invGammaNorm',prior=c(5,5)) # Calculating ESS for a inverse-gamma-normal model # when mean and variance are both unknown # with inverse-gamma(alpha=5,beta=5) prior # and normal(mu_0=1,sigma^2/phi=sigma^2/30) prior for mean # Note: the inverse-gamma(nu_0/2,nu_0*sigma^2_0/2) prior is # equivalent to scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0,sigma^2_0) # Smaller nsim = 1000 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. ## Not run: ess(model='invGammaNorm',prior=c(5,5,1,30),m=20,nsim=1000) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a linear regression model with # three covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,.1); beta2 ~ N(0,.2); beta3 ~ N(0,.3); tau ~ Gamma(1,1); # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='linreg',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','beta3','tau'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,.1),c('norm',0,.2),c('norm',0,.3),c('gamma',1,1)), ncov=3,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(0,1,1,1,0),svec2=c(0,0,0,0,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a linear regression model with # two covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,.1); beta2 ~ N(0,.2); tau ~ Gamma(1,1); # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='linreg',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','tau'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,.1),c('norm',0,.2),c('gamma',1,1)), ncov=2,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(0,1,1,0),svec2=c(0,0,0,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a logistic regression model with # three covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,1); beta2 ~ N(0,1); beta3 ~ N(0,1) # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='logistic',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','beta3'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1)), ncov=3,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(1,0,0,0),svec2=c(0,1,1,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a continual reassessment method (CRM) # with true toxicity probabilites PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30) # prior is specified as N(0,2.5) with target DLT = 0.2 # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='crm',prior=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), m=7,nsim=50, PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), betaSD=sqrt(2.5),target=0.2) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a TITE CRM # with true toxicity probabilites PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30) # prior is specified as N(0,1.5) with target DLT = 0.2 # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='tite.crm',prior=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), m=7,nsim=50, PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), betaSD=sqrt(1.5),target=0.2,obswin=30,rate=2, accrual="poisson") ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a time to event model # prior is specified as inverse-gamma(5.348,30.161) # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='surv',shapeParam=5.348,scaleParam=30.161,m=7,nsim=50) ## End(Not run)
library(BayesESS) # Calculating ESS for a beta-binomial model with # beta(1,2) prior ess(model='betaBin',prior=c('beta',1,2)) # Calculating ESS for a gamma-exponential model with # gamma(2,4) prior ess(model='gammaEx',prior=c('gamma',2,4)) # Calculating ESS for a gamma-Poisson model with # gamma(2,4) prior ess(model='gammaPois',prior=c('gamma',2,4)) # Calculating ESS for a dirichlet-multinomial model with # dirichlet(10,15,20) prior ess(model='dirMult',prior=c('dirichlet',10,15,20)) # Calculating ESS for a scaled-inverse-chi-squared-normal model # when mean is known and variance is unknown # with scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0=10,sigma^2_0=1) prior for variance # ESS for such model can be found analytically ess(model='invChisqNorm',prior=c(10,1)) # Calculating ESS for a normal-normal model # when mean is unknown and variance is known # with normal(mu_0=10,sigma^2=1,n_0=30) prior (i.e. known variance is sigma^2=1) # ESS for such model can be found analytically (ESS = n_0) ess(model='normNorm',prior=c('norm',10,1,30)) # Calculating ESS for a scaled-inverse-chi-squared-normal model # when mean and variance are both unknown # with scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0=10,sigma^2_0=1) prior for variance # and normal(mu_0=1,sigma^2/phi=sigma^2/30) prior for mean # Smaller nsim = 1000 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. ## Not run: ess(model='invChisqNorm',prior=c(10,1,1,30),m=20,nsim=1000) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a inverse-gamma-normal model # when mean is known and variance is unknown # with inverse-gamma(alpha=5,beta=5) prior # Note: the inverse-gamma(nu_0/2,nu_0*sigma^2_0/2) prior is # equivalent to scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0,sigma^2_0) # ESS for such model can be found analytically ess(model='invGammaNorm',prior=c(5,5)) # Calculating ESS for a inverse-gamma-normal model # when mean and variance are both unknown # with inverse-gamma(alpha=5,beta=5) prior # and normal(mu_0=1,sigma^2/phi=sigma^2/30) prior for mean # Note: the inverse-gamma(nu_0/2,nu_0*sigma^2_0/2) prior is # equivalent to scaled-inverse-chi-squared(nu_0,sigma^2_0) # Smaller nsim = 1000 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. ## Not run: ess(model='invGammaNorm',prior=c(5,5,1,30),m=20,nsim=1000) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a linear regression model with # three covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,.1); beta2 ~ N(0,.2); beta3 ~ N(0,.3); tau ~ Gamma(1,1); # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='linreg',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','beta3','tau'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,.1),c('norm',0,.2),c('norm',0,.3),c('gamma',1,1)), ncov=3,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(0,1,1,1,0),svec2=c(0,0,0,0,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a linear regression model with # two covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,.1); beta2 ~ N(0,.2); tau ~ Gamma(1,1); # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='linreg',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','tau'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,.1),c('norm',0,.2),c('gamma',1,1)), ncov=2,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(0,1,1,0),svec2=c(0,0,0,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a logistic regression model with # three covariates, with priors specified as # beta0 ~ N(0,1); beta1 ~ N(0,1); beta2 ~ N(0,1); beta3 ~ N(0,1) # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='logistic',label=c('beta0','beta1','beta2','beta3'), prior=list(c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1),c('norm',0,1)), ncov=3,m=50,nsim=50,svec1=c(1,0,0,0),svec2=c(0,1,1,1)) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a continual reassessment method (CRM) # with true toxicity probabilites PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30) # prior is specified as N(0,2.5) with target DLT = 0.2 # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='crm',prior=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), m=7,nsim=50, PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), betaSD=sqrt(2.5),target=0.2) ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a TITE CRM # with true toxicity probabilites PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30) # prior is specified as N(0,1.5) with target DLT = 0.2 # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='tite.crm',prior=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), m=7,nsim=50, PI=c(.02,.06,.10,.18,.30), betaSD=sqrt(1.5),target=0.2,obswin=30,rate=2, accrual="poisson") ## End(Not run) # Calculating ESS for a time to event model # prior is specified as inverse-gamma(5.348,30.161) # Smaller nsim = 50 is specified for illustration purposes # The user can use nsim = 10,000 to carry out the most accurate ESS computations. # The value of nsim as low as 1,000 may be used to reduce runtime. ## Not run: ess(model='surv',shapeParam=5.348,scaleParam=30.161,m=7,nsim=50) ## End(Not run)